Potato soup is the epitome of comfort food. Warm, creamy, and filling, it’s a treat on cold winter days. But what if you’ve made too much?

Or perhaps you want to prepare in advance for a cozy dinner? The question then arises: Can you freeze potato soup? The answer, as you will soon see, is not as straightforward as a yes or no, but it’s entirely possible with the right approach. Let’s delve into the details.

🧊 Freezing

Can You Freeze Potato Soup?

Technically, yes, you can freeze potato soup. However, due to the dairy and potato content, there are some factors to consider. Dairy can separate when frozen and thawed, while potatoes may become grainy or mushy.

Does Freezing Change Texture?

As mentioned, freezing can affect the texture of the soup. The dairy components may become grainy, and potatoes might lose their firmness. However, with a good blend and reheat, you can bring back most of its original creamy goodness.

How to Freeze Potato Soup: Step by Step Guide

  1. Allow the soup to cool completely before freezing to avoid condensation, which can lead to freezer burn.
  2. Portion the soup into freezer-safe bags or containers. Smaller portions thaw more evenly and quickly.
  3. Seal the containers, leaving some space for the soup to expand as it freezes.
  4. Label each container with the contents and date of freezing.

Can You Freeze Uncooked/Fresh Potato Soup?

Potato soup is typically fully cooked before freezing. Raw potatoes don’t freeze well as they can change in texture and color due to enzyme reactions.

How Long Can You Freeze Potato Soup?

With proper storage, frozen potato soup can retain quality for up to three months. Beyond this point, it is still safe to eat but may lose some of its flavor and texture quality.

healthy potato soup freezing

🫠 Defrosting

Refrigerator Thawing

Transfer the frozen soup to the refrigerator for gradual thawing. This process usually takes several hours or overnight, depending on the size of the portion.

Stovetop Thawing

If you’re in a hurry, you can defrost and reheat the soup directly on the stovetop. Keep the heat low and stir regularly to ensure even thawing and to prevent the soup from burning at the bottom.

The Soup’s On: Further Queries Answered

5 Tips for Freezing Potato Soup

  • Consider making a dairy-free version if you plan to freeze the soup, adding the cream or milk when you’re reheating.
  • Portion the soup into individual servings before freezing for easier defrosting and reheating.
  • Label your containers accurately. You’ll thank yourself later.
  • Let the soup cool completely before freezing to maintain the best quality.
  • Don’t overfill your containers, as the soup will expand when frozen.

Do Potato Soup Freeze Well?

While potato soup can be frozen, the quality may not be quite the same as when it’s fresh due to the dairy and potatoes. But with the right techniques, it can still be a tasty and convenient meal.

Can You Refreeze Potato Soup?

It is generally not recommended to refreeze any food, including potato soup, once it’s been thawed, due to food safety reasons. The fluctuating temperatures can encourage bacterial growth.


With some culinary caveats in mind, it’s entirely possible to freeze and enjoy potato soup later. The changes in texture can be mitigated with the right steps during the reheating process. So go ahead, batch cook that hearty potato soup, and rest easy knowing you can freeze the leftovers for a comforting meal

Alex Bayev Photo
About me:

Hi, I'm Alex. I love to cook and bake, and I'm always looking for new recipes to try. I started this blog — to collect and share most delicious and easy recipes in one place. I remember, how many questions recipes raised to me, when I started cooking. To make sure that doesn't happen to you, I take step-by-step photos of the cooking process for every recipe so you can see how all the steps are supposed to go together, even if you're not following my recipes exactly.

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