If you’ve ever found yourself with a surplus of fresh, scrumptious bagels, you may have wondered: Can you freeze bagels? Absolutely! Freezing and defrosting bagels ensures that you can enjoy this bakery delight anytime, without compromising the quality. Let’s dive into the details of how to freeze and defrost bagels, keeping them as fresh and tasty as the day they were baked.

🧊 Freezing

Can You Freeze Bagels?

Yes, you certainly can freeze bagels. Freezing is an excellent way to preserve the freshness of your bagels, especially if you’ve bought or baked a batch that you can’t consume immediately.

Does Freezing Change Texture?

The texture of bagels can be slightly affected by freezing, but this change is usually negligible if frozen and defrosted properly. The key lies in freezing them as soon as possible to maintain the utmost freshness and in properly defrosting them before enjoying.

How to Freeze Bagels (Step by Step Guide)

  1. If you have fresh bagels, allow them to cool completely before freezing.
  2. Slice the bagels in half if you plan to toast them directly from frozen. If not, you can freeze them whole.
  3. Wrap each bagel or bagel half individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  4. Place the wrapped bagels in a large freezer bag. Try to remove as much air as possible before sealing the bag to prevent freezer burn.
  5. Label the bag with the date, so you know when you froze them.
  6. Pop them into the freezer!

Can You Freeze Uncooked/Fresh Bagels?

Yes, you can also freeze uncooked bagel dough. After forming the dough into bagel shapes, freeze them on a baking sheet. Once frozen, you can transfer them into a freezer bag for long-term storage.

How Long Can You Freeze Bagels?

When stored correctly, bagels can last in the freezer for up to three months. While they can be kept frozen beyond this time, the quality may start to diminish.

🫠 Defrosting

Now that your bagels are safely frozen, it’s important to understand how to defrost them correctly when the bagel craving hits.

Defrosting in the Microwave

  1. Remove the frozen bagel from the freezer.
  2. Unwrap the bagel and place it on a microwave-safe plate.
  3. Use the defrost function on your microwave. Start with a one-minute interval.
  4. Check the bagel. If it’s still frozen, continue defrosting in 15-second intervals until thawed.
  5. Toast your bagel to return some of that fresh-baked crispness.

Defrosting Overnight

  1. Remove the bagel from the freezer before you go to bed.
  2. Leave it in the refrigerator to thaw overnight in its wrapping to prevent it from drying out.
  3. In the morning, you’ll have a ready-to-toast bagel!

Defrosting at Room Temperature

  1. Take the bagel out of the freezer.
  2. Leave it at room temperature for a few hours, keeping it in its wrapping to maintain moisture.
  3. Once it’s fully defrosted, it’s ready to be toasted and enjoyed.

Remember, when defrosting uncooked/fresh bagel dough, it’s best to let it thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Once thawed, you can proceed with your baking process.


In summary, freezing and defrosting bagels extends the life and enjoyment of these delicious bakery items. With the right approach, you can maintain the taste and texture of your

bagels, making them nearly as delightful as the day they were baked. So the next time you have a bagel surplus, don’t worry – your freezer has got you covered. Enjoy your bagel bonanza!

Alex Bayev Photo
About me:

Hi, I'm Alex. I love to cook and bake, and I'm always looking for new recipes to try. I started this blog — to collect and share most delicious and easy recipes in one place. I remember, how many questions recipes raised to me, when I started cooking. To make sure that doesn't happen to you, I take step-by-step photos of the cooking process for every recipe so you can see how all the steps are supposed to go together, even if you're not following my recipes exactly.

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