
Mushroom appetizer with sherry

Recipe from the book Keith Floyd “А splash and a dash!” ⏱ Cooking time — 40 minutes overall. Includes 25 minutes of preparation and cooking + 15 minutes unattended.. 🥣 Ingredients 🍽 For 4 servings: To serve:  🔪Step by step Directions Put a saucepan with water on the stove, put 1 egg in it bring …

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Orange and Beetroot Soup

Recipe from Keith Floyd Asplashanddash. This soup will delight you with its bright, sour-sweet taste and original combination of ingredients. It can be served either cold or hot. Which makes it versatile for any season. It’s both refreshing in the summer and a super healthy, vitamin-rich, immune-boosting dish for fall and winter. And don’t be …

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Korean zucchini salad

Continuing to share zucchini dishes with you. This time a savory zucchini salad recipe from Korean cuisine. Thanks to the relatively neutral flavor of zucchini – they go well together and absorb the spices and flavors. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and very flavorful. The “not simple” ingredients here are fish sauce and …

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Vegetable broth 101: how to cook, ingredients, storage

Many people, when they hear the phrase “vegetable broth,” immediately imagine soup. No argument, they are used as the base of various soups, including puree soups and the famous French onion soup. But that’s not all. They are used to make many other dishes: stews, risotto, all kinds of sauces and gravies. And also porridges, …

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White Onion Soup

White onion soup should not be confused with the classic and well-known French onion soup. It is a different dish. White onion soup comes from England and is much easier to make, creamy, or if you prefer, puree soup. But here, unlike other puree soups, the thickening is based on Roux and Béchamel sauce. Due …

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